1 Family, 2 Cultures

1 Family, 2 Cultures

The first impression of meeting Hien (The bride-to-be) – a very quiet person. Then, we discovered that the wedding style she looked for is very different from a lot of Vietnamese weddings. The couples’ guests described, Hien and Lewis have definitely...
Valentine’s Day Romantic Pre-Wedding Trip 情人節浪漫之旅

Valentine’s Day Romantic Pre-Wedding Trip 情人節浪漫之旅

誰不想在一年中最浪漫的一天與他們的愛人浪漫旅行? :) Forever Love Journey 與情人一起慶祝愛情之旅。 我們希望通過我們的攝影和錄像服務與你一起探索愛情,捕捉你的情感和對你很重要的關係。 正因我們重視聯繫, 我們希望更多地了解你和你的世界,在我們的作品中展示你的靈魂和能量。 我們與不同地點的客戶合作,通過精心的設計,確保圖像完全符合您的要求。 今天聯繫我們討論更多關於你的夢想拍攝之旅。 Who doesn’t want to have a romantic trip with their...
How to Plan the Perfect Pre-Wedding Getaway

How to Plan the Perfect Pre-Wedding Getaway

When you’re seeing to all of the details in planning your wedding from dress, wedding bands to who’s going to sit where situation, it can be quite the stressful situation. One of the hottest trends for today’s brides and grooms is to schedule a pre-nuptial honeymoon...


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