It is all about you and what you love

It is all about you and what you love

我們知道要完成人生旅程並不容易。所有人都需要伴侶。在Forever Love Journey中,我們相信我們需要保護家庭價值並慶祝愛情。當我們墜入愛河時,一切看起來都很完美。我們夢想得到完美的婚姻。 (雖然他或她可能並不完美,沒有人是,我們會盼望一起成長並變得完美。)當兩個人對站彼此面前發誓一生愛護對方時,婚禮就是慶祝婚姻的開始。無論有2人還是1000人見證,我們都珍惜能稱呼為夫妻的完美一天。對於我們來說,無論是小型婚禮還是大型婚禮,本地拍攝或海外拍攝,我們都會為您提供最好的拍攝效果,因為您也是同樣為婚姻做到最好。...
清新气息个性婚纱-首选瑞士 Love Freedom? Choose Switzerland for Your PreWedding Photoshoot.

清新气息个性婚纱-首选瑞士 Love Freedom? Choose Switzerland for Your PreWedding Photoshoot.

冬天刚刚过去,为什么我们谈论瑞士?这个地方可能是出名於阿尔卑斯山和滑雪。但是你知道瑞士在自然环境和婚礼方面也是相当有吸引力的地方吗?如果您想拥有美妙浪漫的雪景,现在是准备冬季婚纱拍摄和婚礼的时候了。下面,我们有两个适合您的婚纱拍摄的套餐。我们也愿为您的婚礼准备提供帮助。欢迎联系我们了解更多详情。 Winter has just passed, why we talk about Switzerland? This place maybe famous about the Alps and skiing. But do you...
How To Pick Jewellery Pieces To Complement Your Wedding Dress

How To Pick Jewellery Pieces To Complement Your Wedding Dress

Looking for the perfect jewellery pieces to complement your wedding dress? Read these tips before you hit the shops! Once you’ve found your dream wedding dress, you can get down to business accessorising. Finding jewellery that complements your gown can be tricky, so...
A Walk to Remember – 初戀的回憶

A Walk to Remember – 初戀的回憶

Not THE movie…..obviously. This is a story with the happy ending, a fairytale in the making. We approached this shoot with the intention to make snaps that will communicate our subjects’ personalities, to make this story more inspiring and candid. So, after...
Half Way Around The World

Half Way Around The World

Brick Lane, London This is a memorable shoot for us. Really enjoy every moment when we were with this couple. Remember so clearly the moment receiving HS’s (the bride-to-be) phone call. I was walking in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong because of a business trip. The...