晚上可以拍好新娘婚紗單人照嗎? |Is It Possible to Take Bridal Portrait at Night?

晚上可以拍好新娘婚紗單人照嗎? |Is It Possible to Take Bridal Portrait at Night?

答案是當然可以啦! 很多時,新娘子都希望有藍天白雲作為背景,又有明亮光線,但這不是必須的。 根據新娘的性格,我們可以為她設計夢想的婚紗拍攝。 晚上有另一種美。 燈光和深色背景確實可以突出拍攝對象。 在這次拍攝中,我們為新娘打扮,並拍攝了幕後花絮。 我們選擇了諾丁山來拍。 這個地方因波多貝羅市場而聞名,那裡有古董,古怪的東西,還有像糖果外層柔和的建築。 很多人來享受週末。 這次,我們在這一地區發現了另一種美。 您是否喜歡優雅的夜拍? 歡迎致電給我們進一步討論。 The answer is yes, of course! Most...
Let’s Get Married | 我們結婚吧

Let’s Get Married | 我們結婚吧

By Tina, lead photographer Recently, I saw a post popped up on my Facebook feed written by my sister who has lost her husband who suffered from brain cancer last year, “Love, in Time”. 最近,我在Facebook上看到一個帖子,由我妹妹寫的。去年她失去了患腦癌的丈夫:“愛要及時”。 Somehow we all take it for granted...
How Do The Grooms See Weddings? – 新郎眼中的婚禮?

How Do The Grooms See Weddings? – 新郎眼中的婚禮?

We all know that it is a tough difficult time since the world stands still, quite a lot of countries are in lockdown. It affects our lives, economy, businesses, relationship, psychology and communities. For now, we would like to get you all away from this. Let’s...