結婚週年紀念工作日 – Working on Anniversary

結婚週年紀念工作日 – Working on Anniversary

We are glad to have them as our photographer and videographer for our Wedding day. They offered a very professional service. Tina is also very good at doing hair and make-up. They were very helpful on the day and everything was smooth. We have received our photos and...
科莫湖婚紗攝影 Lake Como Pre-Wedding Photo and Video Shoot

科莫湖婚紗攝影 Lake Como Pre-Wedding Photo and Video Shoot

這是意大利北部的科莫湖,這個地方以電影,豪宅和名人婚禮而聞名。我們來到這裡為這對可愛的香港情侶拍攝了婚紗照和錄像。這是我們第五次來到意大利,但永遠不會感到無聊,因為這個國家有美食和美酒,友好的款待,美麗如畫的地方,休閒和格調。 我們在貝拉焦(Bellagio)進行了浪漫婚紗拍攝一個令人著迷的地方,滿有魅力。 我們已經在早上3點左右開始準備工作,為新娘新郎化妝。我們的第一站是鎮上有名的鵝卵石長梯。我們在雨中拍攝了一些浪漫,具戲劇性的照片。...
讓我們的回憶歷歷在目 Let Memories Last for a Life Time – Couple Travel Photoshoot

讓我們的回憶歷歷在目 Let Memories Last for a Life Time – Couple Travel Photoshoot

去年除夕,我們為一對德國新婚夫婦拍蜜月旅拍。照片被選中,輯在Weddingwire的博客上! 這對德國夫婦現在美國工作和生活。 太太說旅拍比買紀念品要好! 她認為這些照片比任何昂貴的手提包都值錢,因為它們記錄了他們的愛情故事和經歷!無論走到哪裡,他們都會僱用當地攝影師為他們拍輯。 為什麼不使用自己的智能手機拍照? 自拍就足夠吧? ‘不,我們想要高質量,耐看的照片。 讓回憶歷歷在目不過時。...
The Little Angel Came Down to Earth – 小天使降临地球

The Little Angel Came Down to Earth – 小天使降临地球

I remember the day when I get married, my mother sent me a poem talking about how happy she was when she had me as a baby and saw me growing up and having my own family. In mum’s eyes, I was beautiful and perfect, like an angel. I moved by her poem....
清新气息个性婚纱-首选瑞士 Love Freedom? Choose Switzerland for Your PreWedding Photoshoot.

清新气息个性婚纱-首选瑞士 Love Freedom? Choose Switzerland for Your PreWedding Photoshoot.

冬天刚刚过去,为什么我们谈论瑞士?这个地方可能是出名於阿尔卑斯山和滑雪。但是你知道瑞士在自然环境和婚礼方面也是相当有吸引力的地方吗?如果您想拥有美妙浪漫的雪景,现在是准备冬季婚纱拍摄和婚礼的时候了。下面,我们有两个适合您的婚纱拍摄的套餐。我们也愿为您的婚礼准备提供帮助。欢迎联系我们了解更多详情。 Winter has just passed, why we talk about Switzerland? This place maybe famous about the Alps and skiing. But do you...