A simple classic wedding 簡約經典婚禮

A simple classic wedding 簡約經典婚禮

A simple classic wedding in the famous ‘Paul McCartney room’ inside The Old Marylebone Town Hall for the British Born Hong Kong Groom and Bride. After the ceremony, we went to Regent’s Park near Camden for couple portriats.  We were supposed to...
The Postponed Wedding |遲來的婚禮

The Postponed Wedding |遲來的婚禮

I cannot promise you a life of sunshine; I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold; I cannot promise you an easy pathway That leads away from change or growing old. But I can promise all my heart’s devotion; A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow; A love...
Wedding Before Coronavirus Pandemic | 大流行前的結婚日

Wedding Before Coronavirus Pandemic | 大流行前的結婚日

22.02.2020 , this was such a beautiful and memorable day for us and our lovely Hong Kong couple. This is our last wedding day in the beginning of 2020 before the Coronavirus pandemic. We have provided wedding photography, wedding videography and bridal hair makeup...