Post Lockdown Survival Guide For Grooms And Brides: How To Organise Multi-Days Wedding? – About Wedding Dress, Photography & Videography, Decoration, Favours And Hair And Makeup | 關於婚紗,攝影師,裝飾,回禮禮物,新娘彩妝

Post Lockdown Survival Guide For Grooms And Brides: How To Organise Multi-Days Wedding? – About Wedding Dress, Photography & Videography, Decoration, Favours And Hair And Makeup | 關於婚紗,攝影師,裝飾,回禮禮物,新娘彩妝

Lockdown has been slowly lifted in different countries, but there are still a number of limitation when conducting events and weddings. A lot of couples have to break their big days into two or a few celebrations. It is common in cultural weddings and for couples’...
Wedding Before Coronavirus Pandemic | 大流行前的結婚日

Wedding Before Coronavirus Pandemic | 大流行前的結婚日

22.02.2020 , this was such a beautiful and memorable day for us and our lovely Hong Kong couple. This is our last wedding day in the beginning of 2020 before the Coronavirus pandemic. We have provided wedding photography, wedding videography and bridal hair makeup...
讓我們的回憶歷歷在目 Let Memories Last for a Life Time – Couple Travel Photoshoot

讓我們的回憶歷歷在目 Let Memories Last for a Life Time – Couple Travel Photoshoot

去年除夕,我們為一對德國新婚夫婦拍蜜月旅拍。照片被選中,輯在Weddingwire的博客上! 這對德國夫婦現在美國工作和生活。 太太說旅拍比買紀念品要好! 她認為這些照片比任何昂貴的手提包都值錢,因為它們記錄了他們的愛情故事和經歷!無論走到哪裡,他們都會僱用當地攝影師為他們拍輯。 為什麼不使用自己的智能手機拍照? 自拍就足夠吧? ‘不,我們想要高質量,耐看的照片。 讓回憶歷歷在目不過時。...
大日子形象测试 – 新娘人像摄影 – Studio Bridal Portraits

大日子形象测试 – 新娘人像摄影 – Studio Bridal Portraits

想确保婚礼当天一切顺利,又给人眼前一亮的感觉吗?为什么不尝试一下并根据照片做出决定?给所有准新娘的好建议,当你访问婚纱店前预订试妆,并带上新娘形象顾问,拍几张照片以便决定。 Want to make sure everything looks alright and give a wow factor for wedding day? Why not try things out and decide based on photos? A good tip to all bride-to-be, book the hair and...