卡帕多西亚和棉花堡婚纱照 Cappadocia and Pamukkale Pre-Wedding PhotoShoot

卡帕多西亚和棉花堡婚纱照 Cappadocia and Pamukkale Pre-Wedding PhotoShoot

土耳其拥有世上壮观的自然奇观。其中两个是卡帕多西亚的童话烟囱和棉花堡的白色钙池。 我们看到过这么在卡帕多西亚多以热气球为背景的婚纱照。你知道棉花堡也有热气球之旅吗?在这片童话般的土地上与你漂亮的纯白色婚纱一同起舞,看着热气球随着你的梦想升到天空飞向朝阳。 卡帕多西亚是赫梯人的土地。过去,人们以洞穴作为他们的家园。这片土地以前曾由波斯人,罗马人和拜占庭帝国统治,但它之所以成名,是因为它曾作为传播基督教的重要场所。...
A Walk to Remember – 初戀的回憶

A Walk to Remember – 初戀的回憶

Not THE movie…..obviously. This is a story with the happy ending, a fairytale in the making. We approached this shoot with the intention to make snaps that will communicate our subjects’ personalities, to make this story more inspiring and candid. So, after...