It is now announced we better keep our distance (2 metres) from each other. Church of England restricts wedding party size to 5 people. (Not sure you would invite your original witnesses to come or just ask your photographer and videographer to be witnesses, so that you will still have your wedding coverage.) We are not sure how you feel about it. Unfortunately, because there is a stricter measure announced, sadly our previous post about Coronavirus and Wedding may not be totally useful.

It maybe not a big blow to couples who were planning for elopement, (Indeed, we also enjoy shooting elopement.) for other couples, it maybe a nightmare:
1. How to keep the wedding guests apart from each other?
2. Prime Minister has announced all pub and restaurants are closed from 19/3 night. What should I do if my banquet would be in a pub?
3. Will lockdown be the next measure the PM announce next?
Due to many reasons, majority couples chose to postpone their weddings now. There are a few things to consider when you need to postpone your wedding:

1. Contact all your vendors first about their availabilities. Try to arrange according to their availabilities. Act quick! Imagine all the couples are doing the same now. Places are first come first served. There could be a risk you will lose your deposit if you are not using the vendors you signed contract with.
2. Contact your immediate family and guests. Let them know your new wedding date and celebration arrangement. Keep in touch with them before your rearranged date. See if they are well and healthy enough to attend your wedding. You may consider to have your photographer and videographer to do live broadcast. We can now provide 360 VR live broadcast. Contact us for more information.
3. If you cannot postpone the wedding ceremony for some reasons. You may want to consider to have the wedding registration done first, just to postpone the celebration part or hold a blessing ceremony later when possible.

You are not alone! We understand many couples are quite sad at the moment, do not be discouraged and lose to this situation. We are happy to have a chat. Indeed, we all need to connect with one another in this period of time. If we can help, it will be our pleasure.
We still accept new bookings from April to June. If you are having wedding registration and elopement, feel free to contact us!
現在宣布,人與人之間最好保持2米距離。英格蘭教會將婚禮人數限制為5人。 (不確定您會邀請原本的見證人到場還是只是請您的攝影師和攝錄師作為見證人,以便您仍可有婚禮紀錄大片和照片。)我們不確定您對此有何看法。不幸的是,由於宣布了更嚴格的措施,我們之前有關冠狀病毒和婚禮的文章可能並不完全有用。

