Lockdown has been slowly lifted in different countries, but there are still a number of limitation when conducting events and weddings. A lot of couples have to break their big days into two or a few celebrations. It is common in cultural weddings and for couples’ whose family members based in different countries. Here, we would like to provide some tips for the grooms and brides who are planning to get married soon, right after lockdown lifted. 禁足在不同國家/地區已逐步取消,但是在進行活動和舉行婚禮時仍然存在許多限制。 新人不得不將自己的大日子分成兩次或幾次慶祝活動。 對於文化婚禮以及家庭成員在不同國家/地區的夫妻來說,這很常見。 在這裡,我們想為禁足解除後很快結婚的新郎和新娘提供一些提示。


In the past, people see wearing wedding dress twice as an unlucky sign. Well, in our opinion, you do not have to break this tradition. You can wear wedding dress during pre-wedding shoot and / or wedding ceremony, and wear an evening gown for other celebration activities. Our advice is – consider the venue choice. Is it an outdoor venue? A church? A hotel banqueting hall? A marquee? A restaurant? A pub? A castle? 過去,人們認為穿著婚紗兩次是不幸的標誌。 我們認為,您不必打破這一傳統。 您可以在拍婚紗照和/或婚禮儀式中穿婚紗,也可以在其他慶祝活動中穿晚禮服。 我們的建議是-考慮場地選擇。 是室外場地嗎? 教堂? 酒店宴會廳? 字幕? 一個餐廳? 一個酒吧? 一座城堡?


As mentioned in other posts, we can make album books and videos before banquets, so that you can show your guests what has happened on your ceremony day. We are here to help. Whatever thoughts you have, feel free to tell us, happy to discuss further. 如其他帖子所述,我們可以在宴會前製作相冊和錄像,以便您可以向賓客展示儀式當天的精彩片段。 我們可為您提供幫助。 無論您有什麼想法,請隨時告訴我們,我們樂於進一步討論。

We think there is a trend to have smaller team serving weddings due to the number of guests limit. We are small team and have various measures to protect ourselves as well as our clients and their guests. Contact us to find out more. 我們認為,由於賓客人數的限制,以較小的團隊來拍攝婚禮會成趨勢。 我們是一個小團隊,並採取各種措施來保護自己以及我們的客戶及賓客。 欲知更多請聯絡我們


We understand you would like to decorate your weddings as beautiful as possible. Flowers would still be the first choice for couples when decorating venues, however, if you want to have the same theme and look for your ceremony and banquet, you may want to use artificial flowers, ribbons, etc which could be recycled. Be aware of regulations and keep them clean when possible. 我們了解到您想裝飾自己的婚禮美侖美奐。 裝飾場地時,鮮花仍然是情侶的首選,但是,如果您希望在其後的儀式和宴會使用相同的主題,則可能要使用人造花,緞帶等,這些花可以回收利用。 注意地方法規,並在可能的情況下使其保持裝飾品清潔。

Perhaps this is the most beautiful way (yet easy to keep clean and transport) to decorate the venue – using lights. It could be fairy light, candles put inside beautiful shades and glass candle holders. Light represents hope, we think it is very suitable for weddings held in this period of time. 用燈光裝飾場地可以的最美麗而易於保持清潔和運輸的方法。 可以是像星光一樣的光芒,或將蠟燭放在美麗的裝置中,或是玻璃燭台。 光代表希望,我們認為它非常適合在此期間舉行的婚禮。


We start seeing vendors producing new type of favours – hand sanitiser and face masks. Whatever your choice is for favours, we suggest that you do not put your wedding date on. Imagine, touch wood, for some reasons, you need to postpone your dates. 我們開始看到婚慶供應商生產了新的禮物-消毒劑和口罩。 無論您選擇哪種禮物,我們都建議您不要印上結婚日期。 想像一下,由於某些原因,您需要推遲日期。


We would suggest you to prepare your own brushes and cosmetics if you still worried about hygiene issue and sharing brushes may raise the chance of cross contamination and spread of virus. We believe all the hair and makeup artists are already taking the safety measures and ready to serve. For us, we would sanitise all the brushes and tools each time we finish a set of hair and makeup. Before carrying out the service, we would wear face cover and sanitise our hands. 如果您擔心衛生問題,建議您準備自己的化妝用具和化妝品,共用化妝用具可能會增加交叉感染和病毒傳播的機會。 我們相信,所有的髮型師和化妝師都已經採取了安全措施,隨時可以為大家服務。 對於我們來說,每次完成一組頭髮和化妝後,我們都會消毒化妝用具。 在進行此服務之前,我們將戴好口罩並消毒雙手。

Give us a call or simply email us to discuss any idea you have. We would love to make your dreams come true! 致電我們或給我們發電子郵件談論您的想法。 我們希望讓您的夢想成真!