London and Windsor Pre-wedding | 溫莎倫敦婚紗照 We have provided pre-wedding photography, videography and bridal hair makeup service for a friendly Sweden born Hong Kong bride-to-be and Sweden born Mainland Chinese groom-to-be in one of the hottest days in the UK. Our journey has started with this couple for long time ago before Covid 19 pandemic actually . The lovely bride-to-be had contacted with us nearly 4 years ago for getting married in Goteborg, Sweden. The wedding was cancelled because of covid pandemic. Earlier this year, the couple reached out to us for their wedding this year Summer again.

溫莎倫敦婚紗照 – London and Windsor Pre-wedding


實際上,早在 Covid 19 大流行之前,我們與這對新人的旅程已開始了。準新娘約在 4 年前就與我們聯繫有關在瑞典哥德堡的婚禮。由於新冠疫情,他們要取消婚禮。今年春天,這對新人再次聯繫我們他們今年夏天的婚禮。


在婚紗拍攝當天,我們從凌晨 4 點 30 分開始工作,幫助準新娘弄髮型和化妝。這是因為我們要避免極端高溫。那天,氣溫達到了40°。在英格蘭東南部的溫莎鎮拍攝後,我們開始感受到熱力。幸好能在城堡周圍和鎮上的一些美麗景點拍攝了一些照片和錄影片段。