完成了遺願清單上的一項! 小時候就夢想著去伊甸園項目。晚間的伊甸園項目看起來很神奇,好像天空中有很多星星(注意剪輯的結尾)。 這是一個神奇的地方,一個允滿夢想的地方。

這次,我們拍攝了康沃爾英式加中式漢服婚禮。 可愛的年輕新娘和新郎選擇了在婚禮上表現自己的背景和喜好。 婚禮地點在康沃爾郡,新郎的家人就是來自康沃爾郡的。在宴會開始前,加了一場中國漢式婚禮禮儀。

他們首先舉行了西方婚禮儀式。 新娘以一身森林系風格出場,使用了許多比較細小而不常見的花,主要的顏色有藍,檸檬綠和白。 喜歡那清新的氣氛! 新娘熱愛自然環境,研究生態學,並進行蝙蝠調查的工作。 難怪她選擇伊甸園項目為婚禮場地!

新娘在茶道上選擇穿漢服代替清裝禮服。 所有的伴娘也都穿著漢服。 他們看起來就像畫卷中的仙女般。

我和新娘都喜歡自然環境。 因此,我們欣然與他們合作。 特別是在特殊的場地舉行婚禮! 婚禮場地有好的婚禮策劃員和Eton Mess甜點呢。

他們結婚後,我們繞著康沃爾逛逛,在海邊的一個小鎮上品嚐了傳統的康沃爾下午茶。 幻想在那裡建立一家小型印刷企業。 對我們來說是個好約會。 在英國的這個角落有美好的回憶。 謝謝這對夫婦把我們帶到了那裡。

Completed one item on bucket list! Was dreaming to go to Eden Project since I was young(er). Eden Project looks magical at night. Looked like there were lots of stars in the sky (watch the end of the clip). It is a magical place, a place with a dream.
This time, we filmed a Chinese and British wedding. The lovely young bride and groom have done a great job having the wedding representing themselves as Chinese and Cornish. The venue is in Cornwall, where the British’s side family came from and the family added a Chinese wedding ceremony before the banquet started.

They first had a western ceremony in a ‘Forest Fairytale’ style. Lots of subtle type of flowers were used and blue, lime green, white were the main colours. Love the refreshing atmosphere! The bride loves natural environment and was studying ecology, and does bat survey. No wonder she chose Eden Project to tie the knot!
The bride chose to wear Han Fu instead of Qing Dynasty dress during tea ceremony. All the bridesmaids were wearing Han Fu too. They just looked like fairies appeared normally in the scrolls of painting.

The bride and I both like natural environment. So, there was no way I would reject working with them. I love this kind of special venues! Especially when they have lovely and friendly event team and Eton Mess dessert.
We drove around Cornwall after their wedding. We tasted the traditional Cornish high tea in a small town by the sea. Dreamy about setting up a small printing business there. Was a great date for us. Have lovely memories in this corner of the UK. Thanks the couple brought us there.
Location: Eden Project, Cornwall