We have provided post-wedding / honeymoon photography and bridal hair styling & makeup service to this stylish Malaysian bride and groom on a lovely day in August, in Paris, France.

This couple has actually came all the way from Malaysia to Europe to spend their honeymoon in some cities. Paris is one of them. They have found us from our Facebook page for taking their photos and providing hair styling and makeup.

It was our fourth time to came to Paris from London for providing our photo & video shoot and hair styling, makeup services within 3 months.

On the day, we have arrived Paris early morning and started the styling service straight away after introduction, having a nice chat with them. The bride has changed her dress style two times before making a decision about clothing choice. She wore one casual long silky type of dress flatter her body shape. She is a tall, skinny lady with lovely long legs. The slit on the dress helps showing off that.

We started to take photos near their hotel, in front of The Arc de Triomphe in the morning. Then we went to Opera and arrived
Le mur des je t’aime (English meaning: Wall of Love) to take the couple’s romantic photos in front of this wall which has written ”I Love You” sentence in every language on it. It is very famous in Montmartre, an authentic village in the heart of Paris.

We have also took some photos in front of a very famous church and touristic attraction of Paris, Sacré-Cœur Basilica. And of course, we cannot miss their charming garden.

In late afternoon, we went to Eiffel Tower and Pont Alexandre III. We took so many pretty photos in front of this iconic, magnificent building, and different areas around the riverside. Paris has became the city we visited most now. We know our way inside out.

We wish them a happy married life ever after. Hope that we can meet them again to take their lovely pregnancy and newborn baby photos in the future. We go to Paris about 5 times a year, Contact us today to book your Paris Pre-wedding.

法國巴黎的 8 月是一個旅遊旺季,我們為這對時尚的馬來西亞新娘和新郎提供了婚後/蜜月攝影和新娘髮型設計,化妝服務。

這對夫妻從馬來西亞來到歐洲一些城市度蜜月。巴黎就是其中之一。他們從我們的 Facebook 頁面找到我們,為他們拍照並提供髮型設計和化妝服務。



Le mur des je t’aime(英文意思:愛之牆)在這面用各種語言寫著“我愛你”的牆前拍攝情侶的浪漫照片。它在巴黎市中心的地道村莊蒙馬特非常有名。



我們祝愿他們從此過上幸福的婚姻生活。希望以後還能再見到她們,拍她們可愛的孕期照和新生照。我們每年大約去巴黎 5 次,今天就聯繫我們預訂您的巴黎婚紗婚禮。

Hi, how can we help you today? 你好!有甚麼我們能幫忙?
