Post Lockdown Survival Guide For Grooms And Brides: How To Organise Multi-Days Wedding? – About Wedding Dress, Photography & Videography, Decoration, Favours And Hair And Makeup | 關於婚紗,攝影師,裝飾,回禮禮物,新娘彩妝

Post Lockdown Survival Guide For Grooms And Brides: How To Organise Multi-Days Wedding? – About Wedding Dress, Photography & Videography, Decoration, Favours And Hair And Makeup | 關於婚紗,攝影師,裝飾,回禮禮物,新娘彩妝

Lockdown has been slowly lifted in different countries, but there are still a number of limitation when conducting events and weddings. A lot of couples have to break their big days into two or a few celebrations. It is common in cultural weddings and for couples’...
可以淨化空氣排斥細菌和病毒的油畫? | Canvas Which Can Purify Air and Repel Bacteria and Virus?

可以淨化空氣排斥細菌和病毒的油畫? | Canvas Which Can Purify Air and Repel Bacteria and Virus?

儘管這不是一個全新的主意,慶幸,生產商正在開發可以過濾空氣雜質的油畫。 聽起好似難以置信。 您會為家人訂購嗎? 知道這將確保他們的安全並且不用打理太多。Although it is not an entirely new idea, it is interesting to know wall arts that can filter impurities in the air is being developed. It just sounds too good to be true. Would you order them...
晚上可以拍好新娘婚紗單人照嗎? |Is It Possible to Take Bridal Portrait at Night?

晚上可以拍好新娘婚紗單人照嗎? |Is It Possible to Take Bridal Portrait at Night?

答案是當然可以啦! 很多時,新娘子都希望有藍天白雲作為背景,又有明亮光線,但這不是必須的。 根據新娘的性格,我們可以為她設計夢想的婚紗拍攝。 晚上有另一種美。 燈光和深色背景確實可以突出拍攝對象。 在這次拍攝中,我們為新娘打扮,並拍攝了幕後花絮。 我們選擇了諾丁山來拍。 這個地方因波多貝羅市場而聞名,那裡有古董,古怪的東西,還有像糖果外層柔和的建築。 很多人來享受週末。 這次,我們在這一地區發現了另一種美。 您是否喜歡優雅的夜拍? 歡迎致電給我們進一步討論。 The answer is yes, of course! Most...