Elopement sounds like an old term. In 2020, it means smaller intimate wedding. You don’t have to hide it from parents, afraid that you will get disapproval. (Unless you are a celebrity who wants some privacy?) And the best thing, yes, it is Covid-proof! Most people also think elopement equals to ‘adventure shoot’, have to be done in the country side, stand on a lake or on top of a mountain with back packs, thanks to social media! But it is not necessary. An urban elopement can be equally fun and picturesque.
私奔聽起來像是一個老土名詞。在2020年,這意味著較小的親密婚禮。您不必向父母隱瞞,在自由社會,不必擔心會遭到他們拒絕。 (除非您是一個名人,想要一些隱私?)而且最好的是,Covid不能取消你的”私奔婚禮”!大多數人還會認為私奔等同於“野外婚紗攝影”,謝謝社交媒體,必須在郊外進行,站在湖邊或背著背包上山頂!但這不是必需的。都市私奔同樣有趣,也可享受風景如畫之地。

First thing, boring stuff, regulations… Unfortunately, if you chose to get married in England and Wales, you will have to get married in ‘a place has a roof’. Although some venues offer outdoor wedding experience, they have to be licensed. You can make it official by signing the paper in a town hall (Remember to get two witnesses), then have a ceremony you want with a celebrant. Or, you can pick a place where only small party is allowed. Here are 10 spots good for London elopement:

1) St. Dunstan In The Field – a church ruin, now a public garden not far from the River Thames 教堂廢墟,現在是距泰晤士河不遠的公共花園

2) Tower Bridge (wedding licence) – Yes, you can get married in this iconic building! 是的,您可以在這個標誌性建築中結婚!

3) London Eye – Small and romantic. Who doesn’t like the idea: getting married in the sky? 小而浪漫。誰不喜歡這個想法:在天上結婚?

4) Asylum Chapel (wedding licence)- Good fit for Boho brides. I listed this location because of its affordability. 非常適合波西米亞新娘。由於價格合理,我列出了這個位置。

5) The Golden Hinde (wedding licence) – How about getting married on the water? 在水上結婚怎麼樣?

6) Greenwich – A very lovely place with park and river. You literally getting married where ‘time begins’. 一個非常可愛的地方,有公園和河流。實在是在“時間開始”的地方結婚。

7) The Gherkin (wedding licence) – Enjoy 360 view of London 欣賞倫敦的360度景觀

8) Waterside Adventure Playground – A fun place with fire pit and kitchen facilities 一個有火爐和廚房設施的有趣場所

9) Pergola Garden in Golders Hill Park – Picturesque place next to Hampstead Heath woodland and pools 風景如畫的地方,毗鄰林地和天然泳池

10) Royal Parks – like Hyde Park, Regent’s Park and Holland Park with lovely landscape and architectures 像海德公園,攝政公園和荷蘭公園,風景優美,建築優美

Would love to include 1 New Change Roof Top Terrace, but it is currently closed because of Covid until further notice. A kind reminder here, try not to ruin your day by not asking for permission. A flash mob sounds great, but it is just a bit risky. 很想包括1 New Change Roof Top Terrace,但由於疫情,該露台目前已關閉,直至另行通知。謹在此提醒您,別讓不獲得許可而破壞這重要的一天。快閃式婚禮聽起來不錯,但是有點冒險。

To learn more about elopement planning? Click here or Contact us. 要了解有關私奔婚禮計劃?按這裡聯絡我們