
Winter has just passed, why we talk about Switzerland? This place maybe famous about the Alps and skiing. But do you know that Switzerland is also an attractive place with natural environment and weddings? It is time to prepare winter pre-wedding shoots and weddings if you would like to have the wonderful romantic snowy scene. Below, we have two packages which are suitable for your pre-wedding shoots. We would like to help for your wedding preparation too. Feel free to contact us for more details.

西部瑞士婚拍之旅包括日内瓦湖与阿尔卑斯山以及洛桑和蒙特勒的美丽城市以及格施塔德和冰川三千的冬季仙境景观相结合。在几个小时内,您将经历气候改变,从湖上的棕榈树走到了雪峰。令人印象深刻的景观种类繁多,将成为您浪漫的 婚拍背景。在旅途中,您将有机会在标志性的大酒店宴会厅和外面的自然环境中拍照。

瑞士西部套餐:3400英镑/ 34000港元(在2019年6月30日之前预订,摄影团交通和住宿费全免)

– 日期:2019年9月至2020年2月
– 路线:洛桑>蒙特勒>冰川三千>格施塔德
– 10小时的摄影,摄像,头发和化妆服务
– 300张精美编辑照片 (30幅艺术精修照片)
– 10分钟迷你电影
– 3套头发和化妆造型
– 一玻璃封面相册 (12“x 16”,20页)
– 当天交通

A trip combining Lake Geneva with its views over the Alps and the wonderful cities of Lausanne and Montreux together with the winter wonderland landscape of Gstaad and the Glacier 3000. Within a few hours, you will experience the change of climate and pass from the palm trees at the lake to the eternal snow on the top of the mountains. Impressive landscapes with great variety will be the background of your everlasting pre-wedding pictures. During the trip, you will have the chance to take pictures in iconic Grand Hotel ballrooms and outside in natural surroundings.

Western Switzerland package : £3400 / HKD 34000 (no transport and accommodation expenses fore crew charge for bookings made before 30/6/2019)

  • Availability: September 2019 to February 2020
  • route: Lausanne > Montreux > Glacier 3000 > Gstaad
  • 10 hours service of photography, videography and hair and makeup
  • 300 photos edited in tasteful way (30 art edits for your favourite photos)
  • 10 mins cinematic mini movie
  • 3 set of hair and makeup styling
  • One 12” x 16”, 20 pages, glass cover album
  • Transport on the day

瑞士中部拍摄包括卢塞恩市拥有最具标志性的象征 – 教堂桥和该地区湖泊和山脉的自然美景。这将成为您难忘的婚纱照片的背景。在湖的汽船上享受纯洁浪漫,雪白山脉全景和中世纪城镇将让您的拍摄成为难忘的体验。

瑞士中部套餐:3000英镑/ 30000港元(在2019年6月30日之前预订,摄影团交通和住宿费全免)

– 日期:2019年9月至2020年2月
– 路线:卢塞恩及周边地区(皮拉图斯山或瑞吉山和湖泊)
– 8小时的摄影,摄像,头发和化妆服务
– 250张精美编辑照片 (25幅艺术精修照片)
– 10分钟迷你电影
– 3套头发和化妆造型
– 一玻璃封面相册 (12“x 16”,18页)
– 当天交通

The city of Lucerne with its most iconic symbol the Chapel Bridge and the natural beauty of the lake and mountains of the region will be the background of your unforgettable pre-wedding pictures. Pure romance on a steamboat on the lake, amazing mountain panorama with white snow mountains and romantic medieval corners in the city will make your shooting an unforgettable experience.

Central Switzerland package: £3000 / HKD 30000 (no transport and accommodation expenses charge for bookings made before 30/6/2019)

  • Availability: September 2019 to February 2020
  • Location: Lucerne and surroundings (Mount Pilatus or Mount Rigi and the lake)
  • 8 hours service of photography, videography and hair and makeup
  • 250 photos edited in tasteful way (25 art edits for your favourite photos)
  • 10 mins cinematic mini movie
  • 3 set of hair and makeup styling
  • One 12” x 16”, 18 pages, glass cover album
  • Transport on the day

想在其他地区拍摄?欢迎查询。Want to shoot in other areas? Let’s have a chat.